Sponsorship programs are a great opportunity to create value—for sponsors, exhibitors, and your event’s bottom line. However, they can be challenging, especially with a virtual event. It’s important to communicate the full value of your sponsorship offerings, help sponsors measure the return on their investment, and provide the best mix of marketing options, all while controlling your own costs. If your sponsorship results are falling short, we can help you to evaluate your current program and then redesign it to better leverage your event assets as a platform for sponsorship—improving value for sponsors and increasing revenues for you.
We can help you get back on track after a rough year of event cancellation and revenue decline. Virtual and hybrid events are here to stay. Align your organization with a team that knows how to create engagement and deliver value in both face-to-face and virtual events.
Highlights of our Sponsorship Design and Consulting services:
- Use industry best practices to design and valuate a sponsorship program
- Increase revenue for clients through proven sales techniques
- Manage fulfillment on behalf of clients
- Help sponsors with creative marketing to best leverage their sponsorship